Sep 10, 2024

Let Business Be Creative With Mark Terry's Journey

In the fast-paced world of business, creativity is often overlooked as a critical driver of success. For Mark Terry, founder of London-based creative B2B agency NEO and a fractional creative director with over 20 years of experience, creativity is the key to unlocking innovation and driving growth. With a unique background that spans music, art, and philosophy, Mark has become a leading voice in the creative industry, transforming global research agency Mintel into a business superbrand during his tenure as head of creative.


In this blog, we'll explore Mark Terry's insights on the power of creativity in business, the importance of diverse thinking, and the role of AI in shaping the future of innovation. Whether you're a business leader looking to foster a more creative environment, a creative professional seeking to make a bigger impact, or simply curious about the transformative power of imagination, Mark's journey and wisdom offer invaluable lessons for navigating the ever-changing landscape of modern business.

1. Creativity in the Boardroom

In today's data-driven business world, creativity often takes a backseat to more tangible metrics like financial performance and operational efficiency. Mark Terry argues that this approach is shortsighted and fails to recognize the true value of creativity as a commercial differentiator.


Many businesses view creativity as an amorphous concept that's difficult to quantify and measure. Unlike financial results, which can be tracked daily, the impact of creative initiatives may take longer to materialize. This perception has led to a significant "imagination gap" in many boardrooms, where creative voices are underrepresented or overlooked entirely.


Mark emphasizes that creativity should be treated with the same respect and importance as other business disciplines like accounting or finance. He advocates for the inclusion of creative professionals in C-suite positions, arguing that their unique perspective and ability to think laterally can lead to groundbreaking innovations and solutions that drive business growth.

2. The Catalyst for Innovation

At the heart of Mark Terry's philosophy on creativity lies the concept of diverse thinking. This approach goes beyond traditional notions of diversity to encompass a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and ways of thinking.


Diverse thinking involves bringing together people from different backgrounds, departments, and industries to tackle challenges and generate ideas. Mark points to NASA's use of "lateral experts" as an example of this approach in action. By involving professionals from seemingly unrelated fields in problem-solving, organizations can uncover novel solutions and approaches that might otherwise be overlooked.


The power of diverse thinking extends to the boardroom as well. Mark cites research by McKinsey that shows companies with diverse leadership teams outperform their peers by a significant margin. By embracing a variety of perspectives and experiences at the highest levels of decision-making, businesses can foster a culture of innovation and adaptability that drives long-term success.

3. Breaking Down Barriers

Mark Terry's approach to the creative process is rooted in breaking down traditional barriers and embracing unconventional methods. He challenges the notion that creativity is a mysterious, innate talent, instead arguing that it's a skill that can be learned and developed through practice and the right techniques.


One key aspect of Mark's creative process is the importance of play and relaxation. He points to the cliché of advertising agencies having ping-pong tables as an example of how seemingly frivolous activities can actually foster creativity. By engaging in playful activities or simply taking a walk, individuals can allow their minds to make unexpected connections and generate fresh ideas.


Mark also emphasizes the value of incubation periods in the creative process. He notes that some of his best ideas come to him while doing mundane tasks like brushing his teeth or taking a shower. By allowing the mind to wander and make subconscious connections, individuals can tap into their creative potential more effectively.

4. Bridging the Value Gap

One of the biggest challenges facing creative professionals is demonstrating the value of their work to business leaders who are primarily focused on quantifiable results. Mark Terry recognizes this "value gap" and offers insights on how to bridge it.


To illustrate the impact of creativity, Mark suggests focusing on the tangible outcomes of creative initiatives. For example, he shares a case study of a recruitment campaign for optometrists that utilized creative marketing strategies. By taking a more innovative approach, the campaign not only reduced costs but also attracted higher-quality candidates who were more engaged and better suited for the roles.


Mark also encourages creative professionals to develop skills in measuring and communicating the value of their work. While this may not come naturally to many creatives, it's essential for gaining buy-in from business leaders and securing resources for future projects. By learning to speak the language of business and demonstrating how creativity contributes to bottom-line results, creative professionals can elevate their standing within organizations.

The Role of AI in Creativity: Tool or Threat?

As artificial intelligence continues to advance at a rapid pace, many creatives are wondering about its potential impact on their field. Mark Terry offers a nuanced perspective on AI's role in creativity, seeing it as a powerful tool rather than a threat to human ingenuity.


Mark emphasizes that AI, at its core, is a tool based on logic and data processing. While it can analyze vast amounts of information and identify patterns at incredible speeds, it lacks the emotional intelligence and experiential knowledge that humans bring to the creative process. He uses the example of a biodiversity study that utilized AI to analyze bird songs, highlighting how human creativity was still essential in conceptualizing the project and interpreting the results.


Mark also cautions against viewing AI as a silver bullet for creative challenges. He stresses the importance of proper "briefing" when working with AI tools, noting that the quality of the output is directly related to the quality of the input. This underscores the continued importance of human creativity and expertise in guiding and leveraging AI technologies effectively.


To make the most of AI in creative processes, Mark suggests the following approach:


1. Clearly define the problem or goal you're trying to address

2. Carefully consider the data and parameters you're feeding into the AI system

3. Use AI as a tool for analysis and pattern recognition, not as a replacement for human creativity

4. Apply human interpretation and imagination to the insights generated by AI

5. Iterate and refine your approach based on the results


By following these steps, businesses can harness the power of AI while still maintaining the human touch that's essential for truly innovative and impactful creative work.

Embracing Creativity for Business Success

Mark Terry's journey from art school to becoming a driving force in the creative industry offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to harness the power of creativity in business. His insights on the importance of diverse thinking, the creative process, and the role of AI in shaping the future of innovation provide a roadmap for organizations seeking to stay competitive in an ever-changing marketplace.


As we've explored in this blog post, creativity is not just the domain of artists and designers – it's a critical business asset that can drive growth, solve complex problems, and create lasting value. By embracing creativity at all levels of an organization, from the boardroom to the front lines, businesses can unlock new opportunities and navigate the challenges of the modern world with agility and imagination.


To learn more about Mark Terry and his work in fostering creativity in business, visit his agency's website at [NEO website] or connect with him on LinkedIn. You can also explore his insights on creativity and innovation by following him on Twitter or checking out his contributions to industry publications and speaking engagements.


Try something different and learn something new. By embracing this and applying the principles of creativity and diverse thinking in your own work, you can unlock new possibilities and drive meaningful change in your organization and beyond.
